Train like a dancer

My Dance Fitness Program
My Dance Fitness Program

Receive physical, mental and emotional benefits from training like a dancer!

Get your body in dance shape! You don't have to want to become a dancer to benefit from this program. All you need is a willingness to be challenged. My Train Like A Dancer workouts are based on Pilates and Dance foundations and the idea that you keep your body guessing! Living in such a busy place as New York City, the best way to stay fit is to implement workouts that lead to a lean, toned body, increased stamina and endurance and an inside-out transformation in only 30 minutes a day! 
You want a workout that you will stick to and working with low impact and high rep intensity will shred you and give you a sense of accomplishment and freedom. The work centers around stabilization exercises (core, spine and legs), gravity fighting moves and postural alignment that leads to gracefulness that you can carry everywhere you go. 

So, what is this program?
It is a collection of moves that fatigue and sculpt your muscles, such as isometric holds and targeted contractions. I add moves that challenge your stamina and finish with stretches that lengthen the muscles for that long, lean dancer's look. There are full body workouts and smaller, targeted body parts workouts such as abs, arms, glutes, legs and back. I will teach you how to effectively use your body for maximum mental and physical benefits, by embracing the burn. The strength I have personally gained from my own program made me feel empowered to handle all life's situations with grace and poise of a dancer. 

What makes my teaching different?
I focus on the correct alignment, body awareness and proper use of the muscles so that you can work effectively, prevent injury and get the results you want. We only have one body and we want to live in it happily, for as long as possible. I help cultivate habits and skills that will give you a strong, flexible body and a mindset of an athlete.

I can design a personalized fitness program for you! Please send your request to! I look forward to meeting you!
Steps and the City
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